Our products:

BUILDMASTER F60 Cement glue - putty

BUILDMASTER Combined cement adhesive - putty with...


BUILDMASTER F66 cement adhesive with polypropylene...

SUPERSTYROFIX Cement adhesive for gluing EPS and XPS

SUPERSTIROFIX cement adhesive with polypropylene f...

BAUMASTER Klebespachtel Cement adhesive - putty for EPS and XPS

BAUMASTER Combined cement adhesive - putty with po...

BAUMASTER Klebespachtel Cement adhesive - putty (white)

BAUMASTER Klebespachtel white combined cement adhe...

SUPERPLAST White putty for thermal insulation boards from EPS and XPS

SUPERPLAST White putty with polypropylene fibers f...

ISOFIX Cement glue for cotton wool

ISOFIX cement adhesive for gluing thermal insulati...

ISOPLAST Cement putty for cotton wool

ISOPLAST cement putty for plastering thermal insul...

Thermal insulation boards BAUMASTER - EPS - F - 90

Insulation boards from expanded polystyrene